נדרך בגובה 1500 רגל
מופעל בגובה המוגדר לו(נגדרות מפעל) - 750 רגל כשהמהירות קרובה לנפילה חופשית המלצה אישית לעלות את הגובה גם על הריג הפרטי שלכם ל -950 רגל (בציוד השכרה חניך בדרך כלל מוגדר ל 1050 רגל)
המנגנון חותך את לולאת הסגירה של הפין הרזרבי ובכך מתניעה את תהליך פתיחת הרזרבי
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Cypres or Vigil?
*Validate the dates and the price directly from manufactory website!
Maintenance Services:
For units with DOM 01/17 and later the maintenance can be performed on a voluntary basis 5 and 10 years after the original DOM. Service Life is 15.5 years.
The Vigil® cutter and electronic components are designed to have a life expectancy of 20 years from the Date Of Manufacture (DOM).
Maintenance not mandatory:
"Similar to modern cars, where maintenance is typically not required for electronic components unless indicated by a red flashing signal on the dashboard, the Vigil® aims to provide a similar user experience."
Vigil AADs with a date of manufacture prior to 1st October 2018 have a practical battery life of 10 years +/- maximum of 3 months from the date of manufacture. And must be replaced (mandatory) after 10 years +/- maximum of 3 months from the date of manufacture.
Vigil AAD with a date of manufacture after 1st October 2018 has an effective battery life of 12 years. The battery in new Vigil units must be replaced (mandatory) between 8 and at least 12 years after the date of manufacture.